These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
網頁中演練與宗師標準尚有距離,旨在留一紀錄待後來者探研。The performances shown in this page are far from perfect, especially when compared with Master Wong’s. We simply wish to leave a record for future generations to study.
These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
宗師於《螳螂拳典》中云:「八仙劍,與許多門派中之劍同名,但其法度不同耳!此八仙劍而有文武二字者,實有緣由於其中也。文劍乃昔日讀書人,為餘睱煅練體魄之技,武劍是衝鋒搏敵之用者,此八仙劍由開式至第二十式為上四路文劍,再由第二十壹式直至收式為止,下八路武劍,全劍共分為十二路也,苟非經先師耳提面命者,莫能指出其概略。 此劍雖繁複,但架式安定而易練,循此作為基礎,然後晋而習子午劍,則易臻佳妙矣。」
These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.

宗師於《螳螂拳典》中云:「子午劍一技,相傳為大俠甘鳳池所擅,甘為江南八俠之一,在北遊中,與王榮生師太祖納交,除互道傾慕外,並且互以所長研究,甘以王氏有『單刀王』之稱,對『燕青刀』與『十字梅花對子刀』,尤稱道不已,王亦對甘之劍法神妙,名不虛傳,於是互相同意下,各以刀劍互授,甘所傳者,為『 子午劍』與『子午對舞劍』,王亦以上述兩刀法相傳,對子刀與對舞劍,俱為身經百戰之對法,內亦取單練者為原則,民二十一 年(1932年),先師與馬成鑫兄在精武總會遊藝會中演出『對咬刀』(見中央雜誌所載),即此『對子刀』矣,觀眾傳為難得之機會云。子午劍,在港傳授後之翌年,遂宣告收山,是以傳之者不多也,拙著第十九種,即子午劍矣。」