These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
網頁中演練與宗師標準尚有距離,旨在留一紀錄待後來者探研。The performances shown in this page are far from perfect, especially when compared with Master Wong’s. We simply wish to leave a record for future generations to study.
These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
宗師於《螳螂拳典》中云:「斧頭鈎,亦有稱之為『虎頭鈎』,又名『護手鈎』,武器中原無此械,斧頭鈎脫胎於長械之『㦸』,鈎祗捨㦸桿,而加末端一鈎而成,全械除握手處,俱鋒利無匹,據 先師及武壇前輩云;因輭鞭一物,頗為湖海英雄所重用,因其易於收藏,及貼身致用,能收突圍之功,故多暗藏備用,後有名手思量,如何破輭鞭之法,終經實驗之後,乃發覺輭器,最忌有鈎之物,如鈎鐮槍及畫㦸之類,頗收尅制之功,但兩械俱為長械,而携帶不便,後再研究,始將㦸桿截短,而加鈎鐮槍之鈎,合兩械而成今之斧頭勾,盤鈎者,乃螳螂派雙鈎之名,習之頗費時日也。」