宗師之弟子將螳螂拳傳至世界各地。於美國即有黃漢超(見 https://www.hfwong-mantis.com/記黃漢超師兄in-memory-of-mr-hon-chiu-wong/ )、鄺鉅棠,黎達沖等。黎氏弟子至眾,遍及美國、巴西等,至今仍在傳授螳螂拳術。此《螳螂頌》即為宗師於1970年代初贈予黎氏者。The Praying Mantis school of Chinese martial art spread to different parts of the World through Master Wong’s disciples. Those teaching in the U.S.A. include Hon-Chiu WONG (who compiled a number of books on the subject, please refer to https://www.hfwong-mantis.com/記黃漢超師兄in-memory-of-mr-hon-chiu-wong/ for reference), Kui-Tong KWONG and Brendan Tat-Chung LAI. Specifically, Lai has numerous students, teaching in various countries including the U.S.A. and Brazil. This calligraphy of Master Wong is a poem composed by him, eulogising the Praying Mantis school, and was presented to Master Lai in the early 1970s.

This newspaper cutting, which dates back to more than half a century ago, was recently retrieved from Master Wong’s file. Sensei Quai Wong was contacted again through his son via the internet. We are glad to know that Sensei Quai Wong is still strong and agile. He and his son are keeping their centre active. He still remembers what Master Wong said, ‘If someone attacks you forcefully, you react gently; and if someone attacks you gently, you react forcefully.’