These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
網頁中演練與宗師標準尚有距離,旨在留一紀錄待後來者探研。The performances shown in this page are far from perfect, especially when compared with Master Wong’s. We simply wish to leave a record for future generations to study.


These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.

宗師於《螳螂拳典》中云:「軍中大刀術,由『九.一八』戰役時始創,因敵方(日本)兵士俱携日式軍刀臨陣,蓋其久存侵略之心,故其訓練有素,一經運用,頗能威脅我前綫健兒,後我方急謀應付,因廣聘武術名師,傳授刀法應用,遂有大刀隊之稱,先由華北成立隊伍,該刀由斬馬改為短柄者,一經開上前線,即能發揮無比之力,不但日式軍刀失去對抗之效,反而望而生畏,再由精武先進盧煒昌先生在穗垣等處,集合南北武師,各以『絕招』妙技獻出,由盧君編成一有系統之刀法,命名為『聯合大刀術 』。先師同時亦自創大刀一法,傳與華僑回國服務團,有此刀法留傳國內,亦能揚威於海外。拙著第十種 【《軍中大刀術》。螳螂國術館,1955年。】即此刀法也。」

This film was shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1977. It was then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.

後載《黃漢勛先生服務國術界四十年榮休紀念特刊 》




These black-and-white films were shot with a super-8 camera in the early summer of 1979. They were then digitized over a period of time and now made available for your perusal. Are we concerned that one might learn these sets and take them as their own without our consent? No matter! It is indeed our sincere wish that they would perform these sets better than we do. When that happens, please don’t forget to acknowledge and pay tribute to Mr Hon Fan WONG, the master who passed on the treasures of the Praying Mantis School Martial arts to us.
